I'm a UX designer and researcher living in the mountains of rural Japan (that likes 80's design if you couldn't tell). Feel free to take a look at my Linkedin or Wantedly profiles.
日本の田舎に住んでいるUXデザイナー とリサーチャーです。LinkedinかWantedlyのプロフィールを見てください。
Interaction design / UX design / user research and testing / hardware and software prototyping / game design / design education / graphic design / web design
Photography / audio engineering / sound design

In Japan I'm working with my wife on our new tour guiding business, working on projects with the community, and working on our house and land. I'm happy to consider opportunities that are flexible enough to let me continue this work.
In the past I worked for many years as an educator at The University of Queensland, teaching human-centred design courses from first year to postgraduate level. I also worked for over 2 years as a researcher, creating projects and prototypes to mainly explore the ways people will interact with energy and energy data in the future.
I have a Cert IV in IT Networking, and a Bachelor of Multimedia Design from The University of Queensland, where I graduated in 2015 with a 6.4 GPA. I also earned a Prentice Scholar and Dean's Commendation award. Winner of People's Choice at Govhack 2018 for DiscoVR with my team, Technotelecomnicom.
If you made it here, you might enjoy seeing what the Global Consciousness Dot is like at the moment: